Married With Clickers
We are Scott & Kat - a happily married couple who love to sit on the couch and chat about the films we've watched. Join us on the Married With Clickers podcast as we cover material from a wide range of eras and genres.
Married With Clickers: Episode 228 - Starred Up

It's summer vacation time for the Clickers family, so we lost in the great Canadian wilderness. Luckily our pal Armin, head to German MWC headquarters, came to the rescue with a review of the prison drama Starred Up. He also goes over his recent watches, ranging from Almost Human to Brute Force. We'd like to thank Armin for lending us a hand this week. Danke!

Direct download: MWC-StarredUp.mp3
Category:Film & TV -- posted at: 3:34pm EDT