Married With Clickers
We are Scott & Kat - a happily married couple who love to sit on the couch and chat about the films we've watched. Join us on the Married With Clickers podcast as we cover material from a wide range of eras and genres.
Married With Clickers: Episode 62 - Never Let Me Go

We had both read the book recently, so Kat thought Never Let Me Go would be a good choice for this week. The book was well loved, but the film certainly underperformed at the box office. Do some stories simply not translate well to the big screen? Tune in to find out. We also cover recent watches including The Narrow Margin, The Big Year, French Immersion, Footloose (2011), The Racket and Monte Walsh.

we'd love to hear from you, so get in touch by email to or by phone to 206-338-0793

Direct download: MWCep62-NeverLetMeGo.mp3
Category:Film & TV -- posted at: 7:27pm EDT

Married With Clickers: Episode 61 - The Battle of Algiers

This week, we try our best to heap sufficient praise on 1966's The Battle of Algiers. It is an impressive cinematic achievement and if you haven't seen it, tune in to hear us tell you all about why you need to check it out. We also share our thoughts on Drive, The Phantom Menace in 3-D and the George Cukor classic Holiday.

This was, sadly, a feedback-free week (although one of you missed us by 30 minutes) - so please drop us a line at 206-338-0793 or

Direct download: MWC-Ep61BattleofAlgiers.mp3
Category:Film & TV -- posted at: 10:14pm EDT

Married With Clickers: Episode 60 - Miller's Crossing

A lot of period piece gangster films were released between 1987 and 1993, and one of them was Miller's Crossing, the 3rd outing by the Brothers Coen. Was it one of the best? Quick answer: Yes. It did not make much of an impact at the time, but still packs a punch today. Tune in to find out why. We also chat briefly about Layer Cake, X-Men: First Class and why Moms should not let their 4-year old daughters watch Planet of the Apes. Tune in to hear Kat try to blame Scott, even though he was 4 miles away at the time.

As always, you thoughts, comments and questions are always welcome at 206-338-0793 or

Direct download: MWCep60-MillersCrossing.mp3
Category:Film & TV -- posted at: 8:52am EDT

Married With Clickers: Episode 59 - Bring It On

This week, we bring out the spirit fingers to discuss 2000's Bring It On. As far as guilty pleasures go, how does it measure up? We also take quick looks at the return of American Idol, Aguirre, the Wrath of God, Midnight in Paris and the 'you have to see it to believe it' early 80s Czech sci-fi/horror film Ferat Vampire. Yup, it's been that kind of week here at Casa Clickers.

Give us a call at 206-338-09783 or via email to

Direct download: MWCEp59-BringItOn.mp3
Category:Film & TV -- posted at: 9:18am EDT