Married With Clickers
We are Scott & Kat - a happily married couple who love to sit on the couch and chat about the films we've watched. Join us on the Married With Clickers podcast as we cover material from a wide range of eras and genres.
Married With Clickers: Episode 81 - Little Darlings

Cruel Summer continues this week, as we pack up our hockey bags and jump on the cheese wagon as we head back to summer camp with a review of 1980's Little Darlings. We discuss our camp experiences, Armand Assante's swarthiness and whether Matt Dillon may actually be the prettiest of the bunch.

Our mailbox has been a bit light this summer, so please let us know what you think at or via phone at 206-338-0793 

Direct download: MWCEp81-LittleDarlings.mp3
Category:Film & TV -- posted at: 1:14pm EDT

Married With Clickers: Episode 80 - The Blue Lagoon

Cruel Summer heats up this week as we get shipwrecked with Brooke Shields and Chris Atkins in The Blue Lagoon. This was a pretty infamous movie during our respective childhoods, so we take a look to see what all the fuss was about. We have some laughs, shed some tears and wonder what kind of glue they used on Brooke Shields' boobs to keep that hair in place.

Let us know your thoughts by sending us an email to or by calling 206-338-0793

Direct download: MWC-BlueLagoon.mp3
Category:Film & TV -- posted at: 5:36pm EDT

Married With Clickers: Episode 79 - Blue Crush

Surf's Up, Dudes! This week, we begin our Cruel Summer with the 2002 Hawaiian tax shelter known as Blue Crush. This film raises plenty of questions, most notably: who is the idiot responsible for convincing Kate Bosworth that she needed to lose weight? It's a super short show, as we're away from technology much of the summer and trying to get some content in the can, but hopefully it is sweet.

We want to hear your thoughts, so call us as 206-338-0793 or send us an email -

Direct download: MWC_EP79_Blue_Crush.mp3
Category:Film & TV -- posted at: 2:37pm EDT

Married With Clickers: Episode 78 - Shame

Kat continues her Fass bender this week as we review 2011's Shame. We've all heard a lot about Michael Fassbender's weiner, but what about his butt? Tune in to find out. Also, we try to talk about the actual movie; focusing on the challenge of bringing the difficult subject matter to the big screen. Does Steve McQueen succeed? Scott gives a quick review of The Man From Hong Kong and we both gush about The Amazing Spider-Man.

We would love to hear from you (don't be shy if you've never written or called in before) - email us at or call 206-338-0793.

Direct download: MWCEpisode78-Shame.mp3
Category:Film & TV -- posted at: 8:12am EDT