Married With Clickers
We are Scott & Kat - a happily married couple who love to sit on the couch and chat about the films we've watched. Join us on the Married With Clickers podcast as we cover material from a wide range of eras and genres.
Married With Clickers: Episode 13 - Eight Men Out

Baseball season is upon us, and we’ve all got baseball on the brain in the Clickers household after taking in the ballgame Saturday. We stay class this episode, by reviewing that other Charlie Sheen baseball movie: Eight Men Out. Everyone looks sharp in their 1919 fashions, but their play on the field is somewhat sloppy. Is something strange afoot? Will Shoeless Joe ever play again? Is that Mr. Noodle? We haven’t watched much this week, so we look ahead to the film selections on an upcoming flight to Mexico. Yes, it’s as exciting as it sounds. Feedback is the elixir of life, so email us at or leave us a voicemail at 206-338-0793.

Direct download: episode13-EightMenOut.mp3
Category:Film & TV -- posted at: 5:26pm EDT